Uncharted Traveller

Tag - RTW Packing list

What to put on your RTW Packing list, and what not to.

RTW packing list

Regarding what not to put on your RTW packing list – the answer is “everything you own” – carrying half of your bedroom around Africa can be a painful experience and I should know because this is exactly what I did on my first trip around the world.

In fact, for many years I made the same mistake and had absolutely no idea in terms of what the best way to put together a RTW packing list, or how much easier it would have made my trip has I chosen to find out. Basically, I realized that when you pack your bag, you don’t need at least half of what you are taking with you and nowadays, to make my trip more enjoyable, I consult a round the world packing list website to ensure I have the right gear with me.

However, while I am still no expert on what not to bring with me, there are a few items I never leave home without:

Don’t forget these on your RTW Packing list


Go Pro

The first time I bought a Go Pro was when I realized the genius way to capture footage when you don’t necessarily want people to see you doing so. A go pro is tiny in terms of things to take backpacking, and very discreet when capturing locals in a busy area.



They fold up really small and they always come in handy. When my backpack fell of the back of a truck near Machu Picchu, the paracord was a lifesaver. I managed to wrap it around the bag until it sealed everything back in, but essectially they are multi-purpose which is why you should take one with you.

Need somewhere to hang the washing?


Down Pillow

Tired of trying to keep your sweater up against the airplane window? A pillow makes sleeping comfortable, period. Not to mention, it can be used on a bus, in a dirty hostel, camping…you get the idea.


Pac safe lock

Facts are, when you travel there is always the chance that an opportunist will be lurking around at some point. A pac safe is the most convenient and safest way to keep your valuables safe.

For more ideas on what to take on a round the world trip, I believe this here is the best RTW packing list